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Saturday, July 24, 2010

Saturday Night Card Game (Diversity Consultant Throws The K-Bomb)

This is the latest in a series on the use of the race card for political gain:

Bet you thought I would write about When Andy Met Shirley. Sorry to disappoint.

Tonight we delve into the world of diversity consultants.

The diversity consultant industry is pretty much like any industry; it has a product to sell and it needs to create demand for that product.

Which brings us to Luke Visconti, owner of Diversity Inc., which bills itself as
the leading publication on diversity and business. DiversityInc's CEO and owner is Luke Visconti. DiversityInc was founded in 1998 as a web-based publication; our print magazine was launched in 2002. We reach more than 1 million unique monthly visitors on DiversityInc.com, and the magazine has circulation of over 340,000. DiversityInc.com has the largest dedicated career center for diverse professionals.
Visconti says he helps companies with "diversity management":
We define diversity management as the proactive management of race/culture, gender, orientation, disability and age to ensure equal outcome in relationships with employees, customers, investors and suppliers. We feel that the first two factors (race and gender) are the most important because they impact the treatment of the other three factors and are the most dominant loci of discrimination.
Visconti features a column called "Ask The White Guy."

There is one thing missing from Visconti's diversity paradigm: Political preference.

Because diversity of political opinion does not appear to be valued by Visconti, as witnessed by his outrageous statements on CNN recently, in which Visconti threw the K-Bomb.

I just made up the term "K-Bomb" (at least in the political context) because this is a week in which we are permitted to improve the language as necessity requires.

The "K" refers to the term Kapo. The Kapos (as distinghished from Capos) were reviled Jewish concentration camp guards. (Warning, really unfortunate acronym alert.)

The K-Bomb is an offshoot of Godwin's Law, as formulated by me:
As Nazi accusations in politics grow old, the probability of a comparison involving Kapos approaches one.
I have had the K-Bomb thrown at me.

And Mr. Diversity Management Consultant knows how to throw the K-Bomb at blacks who join the Tea Party, during an interview by CNN host T.J. Holmes (at 4:25 of the video):
HOLMES: Aren't there though -- I know there are because we talk to them. There are African-American members of the tea party.

VISCONTI: Well, sure.


HILL: There are African-American members of the tea party.

VISCONTI: There were Jewish concentration guard camps [sic]. Weren't there? I mean, there were capos.

HOLMES: I don't want to make that connection there, Luke. We don't want to go that far.

VISCONTI: Why not?

This was no rash slip of the tongue. With the benefit of hindsight, Visconti stood by his comments:
Visconti, who started DiversityInc 13 years ago and is a frequent national speaker on race relations, said he stands by his comments.
Visconti, on his website, invokes the standard -- and demonstrably false -- claims that there are thousands of racist signs at Tea Party rallies. (Visconti appears to be referring primarily to the Obama-Socialist Joker posters, which were created by an Arab-American Chicago artist.)

And then Visconti turns logic on its head, by claiming that because Tea Party members are so defensive about allegations of racism, there must be something to the claims:
There are also many rally signs and bumper stickers about the Tea Party NOT being racist. If you have to repetitively deny it, something is probably wrong.
Let's call that Visconti's Law:
The longer the playing of the race card continues, the probability that someone will deny the accusation, and thereby provide proof of the accusation, approaches one.
Update: Also known as Kafkatrapping?

Related Posts:
Saturday Night Card Game
Shocked - Think Progress Misleading Anti-Tea Party Video
NAACP Passes "Tea Party Is Racism" Resolution

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  1. "Denial is Proof". Whether there is demonstrable proof to the contrary is immaterial. George Orwell and Ayn Rand are laughing.

  2. Look, we can play this game two ways. Either we stay on defense crying and whining that we're really not racists every single five minutes, or we start calling every goddamned Liberal we see a RACIST no matter what he or she says. It won't be long before the people get sick and tired of hearing it - every five minutes. So, which is it going to be?

  3. Indeed "Visconti's Law" is closely related to what I call the "Model A kafkatrap".

  4. Indeed. Visconti's Law is closely related to what I have called the "Model A kafkatrap".

    There are several other variants as well, all having the common property of imputing thoughtcrime to the subject via a claim that is designed to be unfalsifiable by the subject.

  5. These Diversity creeps picked up one of my a.a. posts years ago, ridiculed it like there was no tomorrow. ...

  6. @uncledan: You are correct. We have to play the game the way they do. Attack, attack, attack. Never apologize...just change the subject. It sounds quite like children arguing ("Yeah, but BUSH......."), but that's what we are dealing with. We can act like adults and get our @$$es handed to us, or we can play the game and win.

    I say we win.

  7. It is called projection. The libs play Kapo to the muslims like mad.

  8. There were Jewish concentration guard camps [sic]. Weren't there? I mean, there were capos.

    If Mr. Visconti is going to make claims like this, it seems to me that demanding his evidence is in order.

    This claim is simply outrageous, both in its complete misunderstanding or, more likely, denial of what Nazism was all about and in its comparison of the Tea Party to the Nazis.

  9. We have to play the game by getting as down and dirty as our opponents are - no one wins anymore by being nice and above it all. Bush made that mistake for which many of us have not forgiven him. Call the lefties what they are: RACISTS. In our defense, it is demonstrably true! Let no attack go unreturned.

    One of the strengths of the tea party movement is names do not hurt us; they energize and motivate us. The reason RINOs are so incredibly useless and harmful when the chips are down is because they buckle under minor pressure and completely fold under major pressure. We are being attacked every bit as much from non-conservative Republicans as we are by lefties, Journolistas, the Ministry of Truth, the regime, etc. Cut their head off and hand them right back to them! Verbally of course :-)

  10. Doesn't this demonstrate the weakness of intellect in the interviewer? This is an argument that's simple to demolish. Ask Mr. Visconti if he's a child molester. After the denial, ask again. Then explain, using his reasoning, that every subsequent denial increases the probability that he is in fact a child molester; so, why doesn't he just come clean and admit it now. He'd feel better about it.

    Someone in that pair needs to brush up on rhetoric and logic.

  11. Anyone who uses the phrase
    'Equality of Outcome' loses. :)

  12. If one has to keep denying the lie because someone else keeps repeating it, maybe it's time to stop denying and start demanding proof.

  13. Call the lefties what they are: RACISTS.

    No doubt about it.

    There are self-hating whites who pay hundreds of thousands to these "diversity" used-car salesmen and force that crap down the throats of their employees...

    So the "diversity doggerel-pushers" HAVE to find racism everywhere--which they do because they are projecting.

    Nothing new.

  14. Remember when the media ignored us and pretended we didn't exist even when we marched in Washington several hundred thousand strong? Those were the good old days.

    This Visconti a-hole doesn't seem to mind alienating thousands of potential customers. Probably figures Tea Partiers don't give a rat's patoot about diversity in the workplace.

  15. Eventually our cold civil war is going to turn hot. People like Luke Visconti are going to regret trying to call a black man an uncle tom by other means

  16. I read your whole post, and I still have no idea what a 'K' bomb is. Must not have much traction, I'd say it's not worth worrying about, whatever it is.
