Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal is one of my favorite webcomics. One of their recent entries actually had me laughing out loud:

After seeing this, I double-checked to make sure Newt Gingrich's PhD was in history, not physics.
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Isn't it a joke among quantum physicists that if you really understand it you should be required to take a sanity test?
ReplyDeleteHolding two equal but opposite ideas at the same time was described by George O. as 'Double Think'.
It's scary how prescient he was. (or just very, very observant.)
"The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function."
ReplyDelete-F. Scott Fitzgerald
I also happen to be a physicist, so I get a kick out of seeing concepts like this pop up on my political blogs.
Under a Cruel Star
ReplyDelete"Here’s a test: You now have thirty seconds to recommend a single book that might start a serious student on the hard road to understanding the political tragedies of the 20th century. What book would you choose?"
"The great Anglo-Australian writer Clive James, author of the masterpiece "Cultural Amnesia," reviewing the memoir of Heda Margolius-Kovaly several years ago, wrote: "Given 30 seconds to recommend a single book that might start a serious student on the hard road to understanding the political tragedies of the 20th century, I would choose this one."
"Three forces carved the landscape of my life. Two of them crushed half the world. The third was very small and, actually, invisible. It was a shy little bird hidden inside my rib cage an inch or two above my stomach. Sometimes in the most unexpected moments the bird would wake up, lift its head, and flutter its wing in rapture. Then I too would lift my head because, for that short moment, I would know for certain that love and hope are infinitely more powerful than hate and fury, and that somewhere beyond the line of my horizon there was life indestructible, always triumphant"
Heda Margolius Kovaly
The Independent
And yet a Unified theory evades those first rate intelligences.
ReplyDeleteMaybe it'll happen someday when someone removes some 'settled science' misconceptions or some opposed ideas.
Yeah, but is it gluten free?
ReplyDelete(The Breakfast Cereal, dummy!)