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Friday, October 1, 2010

NY Times' Christine O'Donnell Relativity

Is this NY Times profile of Christine O'Donnell not too bad, or am I just so used to complete, all-out hack jobs when it comes to O'Donnell that anything short of an all-out hack job seems okay?
An Overnight Political Sensation Re-Emerges Into the Media Glare

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  1. The latter. The NY Times is so left-wing that when they deviate from that for even a second it's a shock.

  2. “What I discovered while talking to my fellow College Republicans,” Ms. O’Donnell said, “is that I have opinions.”

    I like that line.

    And yes, the Times is trying to subtley make fun of her.

  3. The fact that there is anyone in America who believes America would be better off if Chris Coons, who apparently has never seen a tax increase he didn't like, was in Washington D.C. is very scary.
    Vote O'Donnell! Do it for America.
