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Thursday, January 21, 2010

We Interrupt This Blog To Announce ...

... that we no longer will be all Scott Brown all the time. Mission has been accomplished.

We will resume our regularly scheduled almost all Barack Obama, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi almost all the time coverage, already in progress.

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  1. I'm sure you are tired of hearing it but Congratulations, Dr. Jacobson, and thank you for the tireless and most effective effort you put forth in helping to achieve the impossible.

    Just curious, but did Mr. Brown every acknowledge the importance of this web site and/or your contributions?

  2. Nikki Haley, Marco Rubio, Chuck DeVore
    Mike Pence?? Who's up next on the radar screen?

  3. Bravo! Well done! You did some of the best coverage anywhere on this topic. Thanks!

  4. C'mon... give it another week.

    We're not done savoring!

  5. @TRR - We'll still savor it, just not exclusively.

  6. LOL!!! Thanks, again, for all you've done. Kudos!

    We'll keep reading, and fighting the Obamination, right along with you.

  7. I'd argue that with her announcement today on the stall in the Healthcare bill, Nancy Pelosi -- from a leadership point of view within her caucus -- has effectively become, "Dead Nan Walking!

  8. Yes, mission accomplished. This investigative blogging is your 'niche'. I hope you get the chance to go to D.C. sometime to report on the progress of our vote, as a guest of Sen. Scott Brown. It seems like a natural progression for your efforts. Your posts have reasonated a patriotism, for some, that is encouraging.
