This is another one of his brilliant cartoons:
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\ˈlē-gəl\ \ˌin(t)-sə-ˈrek-shən\: "a rising up against established authority; rebellion; revolt" "in conformity with or permitted by law"
Excellent! And funny. In a dismal sort of way.
With respect, I disagree. That is an anti-military cartoon, saying the military stupidly favored invading Libya with a sports metaphor while the civilian in dismay facing the reader, presumably representing State, CIA or some WH staff, demurs.
ReplyDeleteThe depiction is the opposite of reality. This is an invasion made by and for the civilian side of the US government, and if NYT is to be believed (?!) by females with zero military experience and a high quotient of fantasy. The military and their civilian leadership have demurred this invasion from the start. The civilian should be at the chalkboard and the 1st Cav Div combat veteran GO (significance of 1st Cav Div patch on right sleeve) should be at the table demurring. That's the reality. Also the flag on the GOs uniform should be on his right sleeve.
The artist is ignorant and anti-military, both. He's rewriting history to set the military up for the fall, which is inevitable. Same procedure as cartoonists and other civilians, especially in academe, used as regards Vietnam, which US Armed Forces won. If you will pardon the expression: crap. Civilians can start/run a war as well as I can start/run a SCOTUS pleading.
BTW, I am happy your blog is as highly regarded as the TaxProf's numbers show. Felicitations, congratulation and thanks for all that you do!
"That is an anti-military cartoon, saying the military stupidly favored invading Libya with a sports metaphor while the civilian in dismay facing the reader, presumably representing State, CIA or some WH staff, demurs."
ReplyDeleteNo, you're completely wrong in your interpretation. The general is trying to explain some aspect of the war to Obama in terms he's familiar with, and after some searching ("um.... okay, let's approach it this way"), decides to try college basketball as a metaphor. The civilian is embarrassed at his boss's cluelessness about the war.
The punchline is Obama's disproportionate understanding of basketball brackets vs. his presidential duties.
ReplyDeleteI think Ben has the right of it here. The general is trying to explain things in terms Bambi can understand.
DRG, I was just looking back at my comment, and "no you're completely wrong" was an obnoxious way to phrase a simple disagreement. My apologies.