No matter what I have said in the past, I truly do not want this to be so.
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It's all cult of personality. You can see how far our country has sunken over the past 20 years or so.
ReplyDeleteConsider how the news media, especially local news, report on national issues. Almost daily, we ar subjected to stories on what Barack Obama is doing today, on what he said yesterday on what his plans will be for tomorrow.
Dear Leader has an opinion on everything, literally every topic and issue. And it's duly reported and repeated 24/7. His image is everywhere, in political, entertainment and even sports media and magazines.
Americans used to be more self-sufficient, used to have more self-pride. Today we are infantalized - turned into dependent children, awaiting our entitlements from Our State Overseers.
I sincerely hope you are wrong on this one.
ReplyDeleteHere is some more good news about Obama. He has just given diplomatic immunity to INTERPOL. This site says this could be a step on the one-worlders ladder to world court expansion.
These strike me as ironic post-modernist jokery. Simon Doonan, the designer in charge of Christmas decoratiness at the WH is known to indulge his homosexual Hiberno-English whimsy at every hand's turn. Think Oscar Wilde without the flashes of genius, but, to be fair, without the solemn, all-consuming egotism either.
ReplyDeleteSimon is much too much of a lightweight to be taken seriously and it is certain he is not making any remotely political statements at all. This is merely tasteless Art School trumpery. When I say that he was a Carnaby Street Mod in the 60s I have said it all.
In fact, in the postmodernist Bizarro Land of the Soft-Left Aesthetic the presence of Mao and Mt Rushmore Obama on a Tannenbaumic bauble could hardly be construed as anything other than an absurdist subversion of the iconography in question; a comedic interrogation of the hegemonic narrative implicated in the pro-jection (sic) of all political personae; a hypo-sur-realistic relocation of public discourse into the interstices between Logos and Laughter....I could go on and on...and on.
I take great pride in being the first to say without irony: "Please, move on. There's nothing to see here. Really"
A friend tells me these ornaments originated with blank bulbs sent to elementary schools for children to decorate and then be put on the White House tree. If so, I think it says more about the disturbing state of our children's teachers.
ReplyDeleteThis is a more than adequate description of the current White House itself. Congratulations on mastery of the argot of the new academy: "...an absurdist subversion of the iconography in question; a comedic interrogation of the hegemonic narrative implicated in the pro-jection (sic) of all political personae; a hypo-sur-realistic relocation of public discourse into the interstices between Logos and Laughter..."
ReplyDeleteAs 'Nessus' correctly said, "It's all cult of personality."
ReplyDeleteI'll simply add that "It's all cult of personality - promulgated by not-so-closet communists, seditious sycophants, and media myrmidons to an almost clueless electorate."
God save the Republic.
Off topic professor, but the Illinois Attorney General has filed suit to block the Gitmo North project arguing "public endangerment". I hope you are planning to post your legal opinion about this. I'm sure I'm not the only one interested in what you have to say on this.
ReplyDeleteIf anything says Christmas to all of us it must be transsexuals, ("Oh Mary"), Mao (who put the Red in Christmas with 60 million dead under his misrule) (maybe its ChristMaos in the White House?) and Obama on Mount Rushmore. Imagine if Bush had his visage photoshopped on Mt Rushmore for a XMas ornament. Instant Jon Stewart classic would be. I think also the contiguity of Obama on Mt Rushmore is also to superimpose whether subliminally or not, the Obama as Lincoln pornographic identification of the leftwing democraps. Lincoln freed the slaves whereas Obama is doing his best to enslave us all to BIIIIIIIGGGGGGGG GUBMINT.