And it is a theme hit not only by Whitehouse, but by Democrats and Majority Leader Harry Reid.
Debbie Stabenow (D-MI) even claims there is a conspiracy to wreck the economy in the run-up to the November election:
"It is very clear that the Republicans in the Senate want this economy to fail. They see that things are beginning to turn around.... In cynical political terms, it doesn't serve them in terms of their election interests if things are beginning to turn around."But in fact there is an alternative which extends unemployment benefits and provide money to consumers without increasing the debt:
Republicans put forward an alternative bill that would extend unemployment benefits and pay for them with unused funds from the $787 billion stimulus.The Stimulus Plan has failed dramatically at lifting the economy. The concept of jobs "saved or created" is a farce because most of the Stimulus money has gone to subsidizing unsustainable state budgets, mostly for unionized positions. The Stimulus Plan is political in nature, rewarding a core Democratic Party constituency to the detriment of the rest of the economy."We've offered ways of paying for these programs and we've been eager to approve them," said Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky.
But Democrats objected, saying the stimulus funds are needed for job creation.
Yet Democratic Party leaders cannot see beyond their politics.
The Democrats are so in love with the Stimulus Plan that they are unable to give up even a piece of it to help the unemployed.
Who's heartless now?
Update: And what is Harry Reid doing? Scheming to create legislative maneuvers to push through cap-and-trade before the August recess, to create even more unemployment:
--------------------------------------------Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) is planning a high-risk, high-stakes strategy for bringing climate and energy legislation to the floor ahead of the August recess.
The gamble: yoking a bipartisan, fast-track measure to overhaul offshore drilling rules with a broad, contentious bill capping greenhouse gas emissions that otherwise would have almost no chance of passage on its own.
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ReplyDeleteBut sadly, the Republicans are spineless.
ReplyDeleteAhhh, but the leftover stimulus money is the Democrat's 2010 Reelection fund. Why would they give any of that to the unemployed??
ReplyDeleteGovernment cannot care. It can merely manage resources with laws and rules. Government sanctioned redistribution is not care. It doesn't matter if it is Republican or Democrat instituted, government cannot provide personal care. Government is a force to be threatened or used, not an emotion to be expressed.
ReplyDeleteNot extending unemployment benefits will probably help the economy and the Dems.
Debbie Stabenow (D-MI) even claims there is a conspiracy to wreck the economy...
ReplyDeleteShe's correct, of course, as it seems abundantly clear that the Boy Blunder's overall plan is to wreck the U.S. economy permanently, thus destroying the country.
Very well stated Becky, very well stated.
ReplyDeleteI hope it is true. If Reid does that, he will end up with neither cap and trade nor drilling rules no one understands. That will provide an even bigger opening to Angel.
ReplyDeleteI don't know how she thinks opposing additional billions in deficits is going to make the economy "fail," or how adding another hundred billion to the national debt would help it get better.
ReplyDeleteI don't think Republicans are spineless on this. They're filibustering the bill, after all. It's just that the media don't want to portray them as having any principles.
The bill is only a way of papering over Obama's failure on his promises of "millions of well paying green jobs." Extending unemployment benefits turns out to be the only kind of "hope" he has delivered, and that's only because it's not despair. Real hope would be recovery, but statists don't know how that works.
if the 'stimulus bill' was so successful then why is the unemployment bill needed? The republicans should have stuck to their guns and not have voted to extend the unemployment measure unless it was funded from the unused 'stimulus' funds or cuts in either entitlements or federal salaries.