Ever since Waukesha County Clerk Kathy Nickaulous discovered during the county's election canvass that the city of Brookfield was not included in numbers initially reported to the press, Democrats have been crying foul and claiming there was fraud.
But as reported by Wisconsin Politics Election Blog, the GAB has confirmed that the canvass numbers reported by Nickolaus match election day results reported by Brookfield:
GAB Director Kevin Kennedy says the agency's investigation of spring election procedures in Waukesha County remains ongoing, but that the final canvass numbers in the city of Brookfield match the initial tallies from poll workers on Election Night.This is consistent with previous information, readily available to the public, reflecting that the canvass numbers reported by Nickolaus matched earlier reports by Brookfield itself.
"We don't see, at this point, any criminal activity, but we certainly see practices that need to be changed to bolster public confidence," Kennedy said.
In a statement to TPM, the GAB explained that the problem might have been discovered earlier if Waukesha has followed the practice of posting results by precinct rather than one number for the county. That way, everyone would have seen that there were no votes in Brookfield included in the count. But that practice is not mandatory.
The verification by the GAB makes the statement by Waukesha County Democratic Vice Chair Ramona Kitzinger, in which she recanted her prior videotaped statement that she agreed with Nickolaus and that the canvass was accurate -- all the more absurd.
One can only imagine the pressure Kitzinger was under. But the numbers are the numbers, and it is becoming crystal clear that the canvass numbers, not the initial report to the press, was accurate.
Barring a surprise when Milwaukee County finishes it's canvass (it's only one of three counties not completed), David Prosser will serve for another 10 years.
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As I see it the democrats would have to be able to convince everyone that no one in the city voted in order to have any shot at a valid dispute at the voter totals ....somehow I don't think that is going to happen
ReplyDeleteI guess we will see what new vote totals Milwaukee comes up with. I'm betting that they will add enough net Kloppenburg votes to force a state funded recount. Can't have this thing be over too quickly, now can we?
ReplyDeleteOh my - my - my Ramona! Get the knack, lady!
ReplyDeleteMusical trivia tidbit of the day: One of LukeHandCool's best friends sat next to the real, live Sharona in class at Santa Monica College and took her to a Clash concert. She told him a song devoted to her was coming out ... and it did. Number one, it was.
"The verification by the GAB makes the statement by Waukesha County Democratic Vice Chair Ramona Kitzinger, in which she recanted her prior videotaped statement that she agreed with Nickolaus and that the canvass was accurate -- all the more absurd."
I don't like to gloat.
ReplyDeleteWho am I kidding...?
I love to gloat especially when victory is torn away from lefties and union thugs who went out of their way to be extra nasty and dishonest.
I love the fact that Kloppenburp declared victory and now has to eat it like a piece of dry cardboard.
Their excruciating agony was like sweet sweet music to me in a wonderful symphony that I never tire of.
Ha Ha!!!
A few key points:
ReplyDelete1) After one full week to adjust their numbers, only one of those three counties that were yesterday listed (Crawford, Sauk & Milwaukee) and that were cited on the GAB website as still holding out from certifying their results, could realistically make any difference.
That county would be Milwaukee. The other two are just too small, and too uncomplicated to engage in any shenanigans at this point. As of about 1 pm today, in fact, Crawford may have tossed in because their results are now posted along with the latest statewide totals – and the results are identical to what they were yesterday (Prosser – 1,689; Kloppenburg – 2,428).
The GAB site now states that the numbers for Taylor County, another very small county, are "being worked on," and Crawfort is no longer listed. Taylor is very small as well (under 6 thousand total votes cast) and any adjustments are highly unlikely to be significant.
2) Since their initial filing (at the end of the election day on April 5th) Milwaukee County has indeed made some modest numerical adjustments to their "uncertified" totals, adjustments that appear to be reflected in the totals currently posted on the website of the GAB. That strongly suggests that any changes that may be made now would more likely be minor ones. At least some of their adjustments so far already were reported to GAB.
The latest statewide sheet that is available on the site no longer lists Milwaukee, Taylor and Sauk in the running totals, which makes it a bit more difficult to tell what the current running score is. Yesterday’s posting did, however, and I downloaded the entire GAB worksheet.
Also, as of Aprl 8, 2011, JSOnline reported in this chart that in Milwaukee County, the Clerk there was reporting + 99 votes for Prosser and + 665 votes for Kloppenburg, for an overall gain of 566 votes for Kloppenburg.
While yesterdays worksheet totals posted on the GAB website for Milwaukee County were very slightly at variance with those numbers (+ 367 Prosser; -277 Kloppenberg) those latest numbers actually worked in Prosser's favor by several hundred votes.
Apparently sometime today someone at the GAB decided to pull down the numbers from the "uncertified counties" so that the current running score could not be easily be ascertained.
Regardless, the changes in those counties over the past week have been very minor -- not ones that could possibly result in making up the current difference.
3) Also reported on the site of the GAB (yesterday) was the fact that Prosser was holding a lead of 7,322 votes, when taking into account the current votes of all Wisconsin counties, including the adjusted vote totals from those three Democrat-leaning counties that were as yet "uncertified."
So she would need to gain 7,322 votes just to tie him! In other words, her candidacy is dead in the water unless she somehow comes up with a truckload of votes from a landfill somewhere! If she had any class, she would concede at this point.
Tonight, the Tea Party Express sent out an action alert for volunteers on the "imminent" WI Supreme Court election recount. http://bit.ly/fJZrwd
ReplyDeleteFrom their e-mail: "Wisconsin is in urgent need of both attorneys and non-attorneys to come to the state and help oversee the imminent recount and provide needed ballot security. Wisconsin has 72 counties plus the City of Milwaukee, so the task is large, and the stakes couldn’t be higher."