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Wednesday, September 9, 2009

What Could He Possibly Say

that would make a difference?

Tweak the public option, call it "competition" and expect everyone to follow?

Tweak mandates, call them "choice" and expect everyone to follow?

Tweak the dozens of new bureaucracies created, call them "helpers" and expect everyone to follow?

Tweak the taxes and penalties, call them "shared responsibility payments" and expect everyone to follow?

Tweak the inevitable rationing, call it "bending the cost curve" and expect everyone to follow?

Tweak the massive deficits, call them "downpayments for prosperity" and expect everyone to follow?

There is no amount of tweaking which can change the fundamentally foolish, destructive and self-aggrandizing nature of the Democratic proposals. None.

Compromises on the existing proposals are a fool's errand. Each and every compromise on the table moves the health care system away from empowering consumers to drive down prices on health services by comparison shopping for price and quality. Only free market competition can provide more services without rationing.

Starting over and smaller is the only alternative. If the Democrats expect everyone to follow the nonsense which erupted from the House and Senate committees, let the Democrats own it completely.

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