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Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Me On The Teri O'Brien Show

I was a guest on The Teri O'Brien show last Sunday. We had a pretty entertaining conversation, touching on all the non-controversial issues of the day, like earmarks, the tax deal, DADT, Meghan McCain, Sarah Palin, and caribou.

I even was nominated for clip of the day for the following comment at 5:15 of Part 2:
"Spending a weekend with a TV crew with Kate Gosselin somehow disqualifies you from running for President, but sitting for 20 years in Jeremiah Wright's church doesn't?"

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  1. I dunno... Gosselin's sniveling was enough to make me wretch.

    And of course Obama's relationship with Wright disqualified him from being President.

    We just didn't get the memo in time.

  2. I think that even might be the clip of the year! Thanks for sharing.

  3. .

    "Spending a weekend with a TV crew with Kate Gosselin somehow disqualifies you from running for President, ..."

    Please note it is Fox Noise Network that makes the claim, "Spending a weekend with a TV crew with Kate Gosselin somehow disqualifies you from running for President,". Fox 2012 Presidential Primary is in full swing.

    So who will Fox run for president in 2012?

    Ema Nymton
    The LEFT - taking shit for being right since long before you were born.

  4. "Ema", you need to grow up and get over your bigotry.
