As for the release of photos and other proof, did they not think that through beforehand?
I suggest the adminsitration get a handle on it, now, because it's getting away.
Is anyone in charge?
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I believe Valerie Jarrett is in charge. And has been for some time.
ReplyDeleteObama continues to demonstrate his complete lack of wisdom.
ReplyDeleteThe photos "problem" is being handled as I expected.
ReplyDeleteStep 1: Distribute the photos to a large number of administration insiders, with instructions not to release them.
Step 2: Express great surprise that somebody has leaked these photos to the press, and since they are already out there, go ahead and release them officially.
This will avoid responsibility for releasing the photos, and curry favor with certain press insiders who will be the ones to get the leaks.
No. The last adult left in January, 2009.
ReplyDeleteMaybe Obama could form an exploration committee to identify good candidates for "Doing the Job of the President" Tsar.
ReplyDeleteIs someone in charge!?! What does that mean? Are you some kind of racist?
ReplyDeleteReally, Prezidenting is hard work. Can't we cut him a little slack? He is just trying to eat his waffles and get a little alone time to walk around and we keep asking him to do his job.
Besides, when you are as smart as the One-bama, with all those multiple personalities in his head, some of the details are going to be missed.
Nope, no one is in charge..the inmates are running the asylum
ReplyDeleteSo super decisive, super brave Obama can take 16 hours to decide to order the death of Bin Laden....
ReplyDeleteCan't decide about pictures in 48? This guy really is afraid of making decisions.
In the most famous face shooting in the Bush administration, after Dick Cheney blasted Dick Whittington with a shotgun, there were all kinds of conflicting accounts, and that was in Texas.
ReplyDeleteThis is in Pakistan, in the heat of fast-moving events. It's no great surprise or embarrassment that accounts conflict. The fact is, Osama was killed in Pakistan, and that's something McCain, Romney, Palin and Guiliani all opposed doing.
There's no great urgency for photos, and Id just as soon they take their time and discuss it.
The lefty euphoria has died down a bit (as far as I can gauge by my lefty Facebook friends' posts). Maybe it's because as more information comes out, as Michael Barone says, Obama relied on many policies he (and his supporters) not so long ago opposed, to get bin Laden.
ReplyDeleteJust now realizing people would want pictures?
ReplyDeleteMaybe they know the obvious, that a photo finish for Obama's cred v. insider scoops, disbelievers' race to the bottom will only inflame peace-loving Muslims and western conspiracists further. The administration has no choice, though, other than to leak or release pix and other supporting data. Once again, Obama has managed to turn what could have been a boon to the nation,* as well as to his own political campaign,* into a liability all around.
Sheer incompetence and contempt for the rest of us, though, doesn't adequately explain why we killed the most targeted man on earth without our side having a tight narrative and evidence ready for after the fact, and for public consumption. From some accounts and based on what we can actually eyeball, looks mightily as if the WH is in the grip of internecine warfare over the shadow Presidency.
(* Finally getting Osama is considered to be an unalloyed good to most, even to the Left that weeps at any thot of extra-judicial killings by Republicans. How, though, can the US and Prez NOT look grossly incompetent and foolish in the end, given all of our satellite imaging, overflights and ground humint and the obscene amounts of money and aid we've given to the Pakis for their cooperation and info, that we didn't know about a large secured Paki compound everybody else apparently knew about? We're either played too easily, or there was some strategic point to leaving bin Laden be for us to gather valuable info from the comings and goings, and even from internal surveillance.
If the latter, the question would then have to be why off him at this particular time.)
"This is in Pakistan, in the heat of fast-moving events. It's no great surprise or embarrassment that accounts conflict. The fact is, Osama was killed in Pakistan, and that's something McCain, Romney, Palin and Guiliani all opposed doing."
ReplyDeleteThey watched it in real time via helmet cams. There is absolutely NO EXCUSE for multiple stories.
Release the helmet cam videos and the still photos.
OTOH, there are good reasons for allowing disinformation/misinformation to spread at the moment, principally to psych out UBL's former confederates. I'm willing to give POTUS the benefit of the doubt as long as UBL is out of the picture.
ReplyDelete"Is anyone in charge?"
ReplyDeleteIf you have to ask....
@Martin Guerre . . .
ReplyDelete"There's no great urgency for photos, and Id just as soon they take their time and discuss it."
But in the mean time, you'll also take the sleazy opportunity to play Troll-of-the-Day here by unloading an utterly irrelevant and cheap shot at the former Vice President, suggesting that there is somehow a direct analogy between an unfortunate domestic hunting accident, and a complex and carefully planned military operation to take out the world's number one terrorist threat!
After having okayed Leon Panetta's message of yesterday -- that photographic proof would be forthcoming -- Obama has now thrown him under the bus!
Tell us, Martin . . . is that the thanks Panetta gets for having been a key architect of the plan to nail OBL?
ReplyDeleteWhich do you think should have higher priority - making the right decision or saving face for Leon Panetta. Panetta is a grown man and knows Obama is the boss and calling the shots. Myself, I would rather Obama make the decision he feels is right.
Portia's Mom is correct except when Teh One is on the golf course. That mean's she has the helm about half the time.
ReplyDeleteMG @ 5:31PM. I concur that Leon can take care of himself, but what you say assumes O actually makes a decision, an activity that seems to cause him all sorts of angst.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad Obama took the time to think his decision through. It was a decision that could have ended in war with a nuclear power known to consort with terrorists. If Pakistani troops had fired on the helipcopters and the SEALs returned fire, we would have been at war. If Obama had taken the safe route and bombed the compound, he would have risked unending doubt about whether OBL had really been killed.
That's a decision only a president can make and it is much better to think it through first.
That's a decision only a president can make and it is much better to think it through first. (Martin Guerre)
ReplyDelete"A President" or a Progressive President? Waterboarding, recently outed murderous Army squads (not panty meanie Reservists)? Apparently, extra judicial killings aren't at issue when your guy's in charge.
Clearly, through the distorted progressive illiberal lens, glossing o'er, eliding, obfuscating and excusing Dems in charge is all about party. So, go ahead and celebrate.
Some of us have a few questions, tho', like why doesn't the Left have questions and in the form of angry papier mache Baracks?